Meira Polliack is Professor of Bible at Tel Aviv University and chair of the Department of Biblical Studies (2016-17). She received her BA cum laude from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1988), and MPhil (1989) and PhD (1993) from Cambridge University. Her professional experience includes a research assistantship at the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library (1992-5); Lady Davis post-doctoral fellowship, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1995-6) and the Alon Fellowship Lectureship, Department of Biblical Studies, Tel Aviv University (1996-9). She was Jacob and Hilda Blaustein visiting professor of Judaic Studies at Yale University (2009-10), and chair of the Teaching Committee of the Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University (2011-2014). Since 2012 she is one of the Principal Investigators of the Biblia Arabica: The Bible in Arabic among Jews, Christians and Muslims international research project
Polliack’s research interests are Medieval Bible translation and exegesis; modern literary approaches to the Bible; Judaeo-Arabic literature; Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic sources in the Cairo Genizah; intellectual and cultural history of the Jews in the medieval Islamic world; historical development of biblical hermeneutics and notions of biblical narrative